Download the Basic First Year Syllabus
Approximately 120 clock hours of in-class teaching and 80 hours of home learning encompasses 200 hour of total learning over a 8 -12 month period.
Month 1:
What it Homeopathy and Why is it a paradigm?
Basic Principles of Homeopathy
The Vital Force
Overview of health and disease – Levels of health
Holistic dynamic interactive continuum – Mental, Emotional, Physical spectrum
Sensations and Symptoms
Introduction to dose and potency
Herings Rule of Cure
Samuel Hahnemann – a biography
Basic learning tools of homeopathy –
The Organon
Materia Medica
Month 2:
Rise and Decline of Homeopathy – A brief history
How to use MM and Repertories
Suppression – Physical, Emotional and Mental
Organon Study
Remedy Preparation
Avogadro’s Law
MM – Aconite, Belladonna, Arnica, Causticum. Phosphorous, Ledum
Essentials of case taking – Objectivity, Generals, Modalities
Sample repertorisation exercises
Homeopathy Philosophy
Month 3:
Predisposition to disease
Organon Study
Repertorisation and case taking – weighing symptoms and choosing rubrics
Miasms and autoimmune disease
Compensation and breakdown at various levels
Administering remedies
LM potencies
Client reaction to remedies
MM – Silicea, Calcarea carb, Sulphur, Lycopodium, Baryta carb, Lachesis
Homeopathy Philosophy
Month 4:
Boericke’s three legged stool
Keynote, totality and essence prescribing
MM – Bryonia, Cannabis, Spongia, Corallium rub, Guaicum, Stramomium, Tarentula
R. Hughes vs. Kent
Organon study
Live case taking
The first prescription
The second prescription
Basics of case management
Repertorisation skill – Ailments from, Delusions, Fears
Homeopathy Philosophy
Month 5:
Basics of follow-up
Repertorisation – Sleep, Dreams
Hands on remedy making
Obstacles to cure
Introduction to Nosodes
MM – Ruta, Ignatia, Natrums
Organon study
Homeopathic Philosophy
Live follow-up
Month 6:
Acutes as exacerbation of chronic
Concept of remedy relationship
MM – Graphites, Hepar sulph, Acids
Repertory study
Paper cases
Homeopathy Philosophy
Month 7:
Organ remedies
Tissues salt combinations
Role of Mother tinctures
Children’s diseases
MM – Antimoniums, Magnesiums, Medorrhinum, Tuberculinum, Syphilinum, Psorinum
Homeopathy Philosophy
Bowel Nosodes
Bach Flower remedies
Paper cases
Live case and follow-up
MM – Nux mosch, Lilium tig, Sepia, Staphysagaria, Gelsemium, Metals
Organon study
Repertory study
Homeopathy Philosophy
Geriatric care
Month 8:
MM – Borax, Baptisia, Capsicum, Digitalis, Conium, Helloborus, Iodum, Kalis
Organon study
Repertorisation study
Live case and follow-ups
Paper cases
Homeopathy Philosophy
Using C and LM